Sunday, February 11, 2007

Healthy meals...

Am I the only who gets tired of having take-out food or eating out every night? Food at restaurants are so heavy and greasy.. I work 5 days a week and come home around 7:30 or so like a lot of people out there. I want to have a healthy life though and have decided to have home-made meals as much as I can. Good thing is, I like cooking. Bad thing is, I don't want to spend much time cooking after a long day of work! So, I started out with cooking 5 meals on Sunday and putting them in my fridge or freezer. Well, it didn't work out so well because I didn't want to cook for so many hours on Sunday and also what I could cook was limited since some dishes are just not good after preserved, like stir-fry.

OK.. what to do?? Well, I decided to make a menu for the week that consists of easy 20-30 min. meals, then make a shopping list, so I have all the ingredients I need at hand when I come home to cook and don't waste any vegetables or other ingredients that I couldn't use. For me, just thinking about what to make after work makes me not want to cook anything at all. But if I know what I'm making and have everything I need, it's not so painful (trust me).

I'll post one-week (Mon-Fri) menu with a shopping list next weekend that I used this week and how cooking went on each day. If you try any of the recipes or try the whole-week thing with the shopping list, please leave me a comment! My hope is that I can provide some suggestions about how to make home cooking easy for those people like me!

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