Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Tuesday Dinner: Easy but not so quick fish dinner

Tonight, I just baked fish and vegetables in the oven because I didn't feel like making something elaborate.

Roasted vegetables and fish (for 2 people):
Your favorite fish - steak cut (2) - I just used sea bass that I had in the freezer. You can use swordfish, tuna, salmon... anything you like.
Baby potatoes (6) - I used a mixture of red skin potatoes and purple potatoes.
Fennel (1 white part) - I tried fennel for the first time fairly recently and have been in love with it since then.
Olive oil (1 Tbsp)

1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.
2. Take away the outer layer(s) of the fennel (1 or 2) and slice it about 1 inch thick. Cut potatoes into quarters.
3. Place fennel slices and potatoes in a casserole. Drizzle olive oil over them and sprinkle salt and pepper over them. Mix them so all sides get the oil and seasoning.
4. Bake the vegetables for about 30 minutes.
5. Wash the fish pieces and pat dry well. Put salt and pepper on the fish.
6. Take the casserole out and place the fish pieces in the casserole. Bake for about 15 minutes, being careful not to overcook the fish. Make sure the potatoes are soft and fish is cooked all the way through.

The recipe is really simple, which means you can add a lot of things to it. You can put some tomato sauce, pesto sauce, or any other sauce on the fish. I just actually put little bit of soy sauce on it tonight to make my life easy. Fish and vegetables do have taste though from salt and pepper, so don't overdo it!

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